My Progress

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So Close...SO CLOSE!

I finally started dropping weight...nothing dramatic but I'm down to 181, FINALLY. SO close to being in the 170's, I'm so excited!!
I had a little treat today, a Dr. Pepper. It was sooooo good but I haven't had any soda in ages...okay, well, since the Super Bowl but before that it was a few months. I also wolfed down a bowl of my auntie's asian curry. Also soooo good. But I needed to eat; I only had a protein shake today on my way out the door to Tukwila. Yeah, looking for work is not fun. Staffing agencies also are not my favorite, I've discovered, but I'll make do with what I get.
Anyways. I've been doing really well though. Tracking what I eat, all that stuff. After I finally started dropping weight, I got a little more lax about what I ate but that's okay. I'm guessing around the time of my period I'll have to just get really restrictive with everything. Otherwise I'll stall out again. It was not fun. Luckily, I didn't have to get weighed in front of everyone.
My exercise routine has been getting a few twists, which is great. Instead of straight cardio, my trainer started me on what she calls, Cardio Challenge. My top heart rate is 180. So I get there and keep it there as long as I can. Then I get back down to about 167. And so on for about an hour. I feel GREAT after doing it, albeit very sweaty. I'm still noticing wonderful things, like running in short spurts (which used to get me out of breath) barely fazes me. I have no pants that fit me properly, it's official. The one pair that would are blown out in the thighs. So now I have two size 12s (Old Navy though, so probably 14 or 16 everywhere else) that come off without me having to unbutton and a bunch of size 7s and 31s that I can't squeeze into quite yet.
My arms won't budge so far but I told my trainer and she's got me doing dips and tricep pulls and all kinds of resistance training for my arms. We can't spot reduce but she says it'll help and she's helped me lose almost 20 pounds so far!
Enough rambling.
Just an update.
Pictures are in order for next time, I think. ;)

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